Do not give burglars a chance!
Many people are committed to safety in their neighborhood. For example via Waaks, Neighborhood Prevention, Burgernet or Neighborhood Apparies. Together they provide extra social control in the neighborhood. Do you also participate? A neighborhood prevention team is a group of volunteers who, together with the police and the municipality, ensure that certain forms of crime such as vandalism and disruptions of public order are tackled in the neighborhood. This can be done by paying extra attention, and being more involved in the street, neighborhood or flat where people live. The neighborhood prevention team is alert to unusual activities and passes this on to the municipality and/ or police. There is increasingly need for mutual communication between neighborhood residents. The neighborhood app groups are a good example of this. The municipality finds the establishment of neighborhood app groups a good initiative, but it is and remains an initiative before and through citizens. There are various options for starting with a neighborhood app group and there are already many neighborhood app groups active in the Netherlands.
Waaks is a partnership between the municipality, the police and the dogs ('owners. We ask you to be extra alert to suspicious situations during the walking of your dog and to report these situations to the police. We do not expect that you yourself will intervene in a suspicious situation, but you do call the police. Burgernet is a collaboration between the burgers, congregation and police of the environment and police. burglary a recorded message via the (mobile! telephone or a text message by SMS with the request to look for a clearly defined person or vehicle. This is possible from the owner -occupied home, on the street or from the workplace. This way you can immediately help with the investigation of, for example, perpetrator (s). A vehicle or a missing child.
Five tips to prevent a burglary
Lock the door when you leave
If you only close the front door, it can be opened with a credit card or hard piece of plastic. Also known as the Flipper Method.
Make sure your house makes an inhabited impression
Do not put expensive items in sight. Ensure a light switch or light light. Make agreements with your neighbors in the event of longer absence.
Close all windows when you leave
If an insertion can enter your home through an open window, it needs a few minutes to take your things with him. Therefore, close all windows when you leave. Also roof and toilet window. Even if you are just out of the house.
Don't leave any keys on the inside of the door
A burglar only needs to hit a window and can turn the door off the lock. Or he drills a hole in the frame with a hand drill to be able to reach the key. The so -called hole drilling method.
Remove ladders and garbage containers as much as possible
Burglars often try to enter the house via higher floors. Therefore, remove everything along which a burglar can climb up. Can you manage that
Not, ensure good security on all windows and doors on higher floors.
Are you curious about the possibilities to better secure your home or business against burglars? Then take Contact On with, you can also call our customer service: 085 - 222 00 00. Our security specialists are ready for you!