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The Ajax MotionCam Outdoor is a wireless movement detector for outside with a photo camera to verify alarms.
The Ajax MotionCam Outdoor recognizes intruders from the very first steps on the site and confirms this with a series of animated photos. With visual verification, the situation can be determined immediately so that users do not have to worry and do not have to send security companies unnecessarily patrols.
The Ajax MotionCam outdoor is resistant to heat up to +60 ° с and against cold to –25 ° с. And to protect the sensors of the anti -mask system against rain and snow, we have provided a special hood.
The Ajax MotionCam Outdoor uses two safe radio protocols at the same time: Jeweller and Wings. The radio protocols work independently of each other and are each focused on their own function. Jeweller sends alarms in 0.15 seconds and thanks to Wings the first recording of the location is in the app in less than 9 seconds.
The range of the radio signal is sufficient to install the detector where it will be most effective. And the lifespan of the battery up to 3 years is limited to a minimum of maintenance efforts.
No problem, Ajax's motion cam has a high immunity against pets and you will also send a notification as soon as the vision is obstructed.
The Ajax MotionCam Outdoor cannot be unnoticed, even if the system itself is switched off. The detector is equipped with anti -mask sensors that respond to hindering, covering and painting the lens. The hub needs less than one minute to detect the loss of communication with the detector and to inform the control room and users about the problem. If motioncam outdoor is taken apart, it will be known immediately.
We also have an indoor variant available from this motioncam.
Note: only works with Ajax Hub 2 and Hub 2
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